Love Your Life

The voyage of loving yourself and your life here and now.

Coming Back Home

Let the Voyage Begin...


Know & Love Yourself

This is where we start. This is the foundation which everything else is built upon. A deep understanding of who and what you are in Truth. Through heart-opening conversations, I help you uncover your inner knowing and embrace the pure love that you are. 


Allow Yourself to be

With my loving guidance and as you begin to love yourself more and more, you become able to meet every aspect of yourself with loving awareness knowing that every part of you is equally valid, valuable, important and lovable. In doing so, a beautiful environment is created for your Soul to naturally emerge through even more.


Allow What is to be

With my loving guidance, you will no longer have the need for circumstances to be a certain way for you to feel happy, content and satisfied. You will realize that there's a divine perfect unfolding occuring at all times, for the highest good of all and you will begin to allow what is to be without judgment or causing yourself suffering.


Love Your Life

Once you have discovered the love that you are and the power you have, I help you to cultivate, radiate and flow that love into every area of your life. 


Allow Others to be

With my loving guidance, you will no longer have the need for people to be a certain way for you to feel happy, content and satisfied. You will realize that each person is Sovereign, that each person is responsible for themselves and that each person is creator within their own creation, just like you are.


Home Sweet Home

My loving guidance may no longer be required but may still be desired. You will have become your own loving guide. You will be happy, content and satisfied within yourself, by yourself and for no apparent reason. And in the moments you're not, you'll know that's okay too and how to bring yourself back to love at anytime. You will know that whatever is, is perfect. You will know that everything is happening for you, for your highest and best good and to bring you into greater levels of your power, love, joy and clarity. You will love yourself and your life right where you are now.


Love Your Life

What I tell my clients is...

you can have all the riches in the world but still feel empty inside.

There is a void that each person experiences within themselves and we're taught to fill that void with things outside of ourselves.

"If I buy this, get that, have that, acheive that, make X amount of money, then I'll feel good about myself."

And you do, but only temporarily.

It doesn't last because the void you feel can never be filled by anything outside of you. The void you feel can only be filled by knowing the truth of who you are. By looking at what you are "not" (the limited, lackful, seperate being you think you are) and discovering the powerful, loving, whole, Divine, Sovereign, Source being you truly are.

You see, nothing has ever been wrong with you. You never needed to be fixed because you were never broken. You are whole, full, worthy and complete and have been this whole time. In fact, you are Love. You are Pure Love and Light in physical form. That is what you are.

When you truly get that and embody it fully, it will naturally enrich every part of your life and the lives of everyone around you.

And it is my joy and honor to guide you on the voyage of you truly loving yourself and your life here and now.

Home Bound

My Voyage Home

I feel like I’ve been on a spiritual path always. At the age of 14, I remember gazing out my bedroom window looking a the starry night sky, asking what is this all about? What is this all for? Why am I here? Why are we all here?

At 20, with the arrival of Chapters bookstores, I began to quench my thirst for self-knowledge by reading self-help and metaphysical books. At that time, I didn't consider myself to be a reader. I was convinced that I didn’t like books. But this was different, I couldn’t put these books down. They were giving me so much insight into myself and I could feel how they were feeding my heart and Soul. It felt like I had discovered the greatest treasure of my life through these books.

From that point on I was hooked, that was definitely the beginning of my spiritual journey and one that would take me on a grand adventure with many insights, breakthroughs, twists, turns, beyond my wildest dreams adventures, incredible highs, gut-wrenching lows, lots of unknowns and a few dark nights of the Soul.

Nevertheless, I wouldn’t change a thing about my journey because it gave me the greatest gift of all, the gift of self-realization. Knowing who I am in Truth while being in this beautiful exquisite experience called life.

Every single moment, circumstance, challenge, opportunity, interaction, conversation, family member, partner, friend, colleague, acquaintance, stranger, teacher, book, job, program, workshop, retreat, destination and experience contributed to who I am now. Therefore, I have immense gratitude and reverence for every part of my journey and every person I encountered along the way. And that includes being grateful for all the painful parts too.

The times I doubted myself, judged myself, questioned if I was lovable or not, experienced heartbreak, went through a mild depression, felt insecure, anxious, questioned my worth, people pleased, abandoned myself, had a hard time speaking up, wanted to runaway, played small, hid, felt like I didn’t belong, felt anxious, insecure, self-sabotaged and on and on. I can look back at all that now and realize the gift in it all.

I am more loving, kind, compassionate and accepting of myself, my loved ones, each person I meet and the world as a whole. I now know without question that every person, including me, is doing their best based on the level of consciousness they are exceptions and it's all perfect.

Love, peace and gratitude now flow effortlessly from me into every area of my life because of everything I have experienced and the level of consciousness I am in.

Does it mean that everything is as I wish it to be all the time? Nope, however I am steadfast in the knowing that everything is always happening for me, for my highest and best good and to bring me into greater levels of my power, love, joy, clarity and thriving. Therefore, I remain calm, happy and peaceful within. And that, in itself is priceless.

About Me

Lise Charriere

Self-Love, Embodiment & Spiritual Guide

After having lived out a few dreams...

Working downtown Vancouver in an office job (definitely influenced by the movies in the 1980's); working for Club Med on their Sail Ship cruising from island to island in the South Pacific (definitely influenced by everyone's screen savers of paradise at the office); working as a Flight Attendant for a regional airline (childhood dream); working as Lead Flight Attendant for various NHL teams but mostly my home team, the Vancouver Canucks flying all over the US, going shopping and attending hockey games having the time of my life (somebody pinch me): working as an Executive Flight Attendant on the most gorgeous private jet flying to over 100 countries, getting to see the world in style, flying the most amazing passengers and working with the best crew (definitely BEYOND my wildest dreams).

I absolutely LOVED every moment of it all yet in those moments in between, I intuitively knew there was something more, something much deeper to discover.

At the time, I just didn't know it would be me.

As a Self-Love, Embodiment & Spiritual Guide, I specialize in transforming my clients experience of themselves and their lives by remembering the truth of who they are. With my keen sense of intuition and 25+ years of spiritual development, I help my clients live happy fulfilled lives right where they are.

With a deep understanding of the infinite nature of each person and their innate desires, I provide a safe space for my clients true essence to emerge. Through kind, clear, heart-centered communication and a personalized approach, my clients are able to embrace themselves and where they are fully. I give them an opportunity to begin to embody their authentic selves and live in a way that they have always longed for.


Client Testimonials

I've learned to have my own back, how to be there for myself and how to finally let go of my self-judgment. And I know that regardless of what is happening, I am good no matter what.


Since working with Lise, I am feeling so much better  about myself. It really has been life changing for me and I'm forever grateful.


Best decision EVER. Period. I can finally say and feel that I love myself and my life.

